Sunday, October 25, 2009

Empire State of Mind

I just want to say that I LOVE NYC!! I am so happy that I live here; this city is truly amazing. I'm sure by now everyones heard the new Jay-Z/Alicia Keys song "Empire State of Mind" and if you listen to the words, they sum up the whole New York lifestyle and experience.

A close friend from back home was visiting and we had a great conversation about changing your life and being happy. So many people are not happy with where they are in life whether it be their career, relationship, location, or anything thats affecting them negatively. I was one of these people until I took some initiative in my life and quit my job and moved from a place I wasn't happy in. My friends thought I was sort of crazy and being spontaneous by just picking up and moving, but I never saw it that way. Instead I felt like I was making moves in my life by going after what I really wanted. People need to realize that they are in charge of their own lives and nothing comes easy or magically appears. There is no such thing as luck; that person simply wanted something bad enough and they got it!

This might sound corny, but everyone can really have everything they want in life if they just want it bad enough and make moves!

I hope that my small words of wisdom can inspire other people to not be scared to go after what they want!! Nothing comes easy, and big risks bring big rewards!

peace and love

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